Rainbow Explorers encourages you to turn off the T.V. and explore with your children!
The facts are that African-American children, on average, watch more TV than other groups.
Too much television can lead to obesity and aggresive behavior. Kids watch and then mimic the behaviors and attitudes
they see on TV. We have a responsibility to protect them from that.
Additionally, a national study found that children who watch little or no TV tend to have longer attention spans, spend
more time in physical activity, get along better with others, spend more time reading, are more creative, do better in school,
interact more with siblings and friends, choose better "heroes", ask for less toys.....
In our family we appreciate the benefits of homeschooling children with active imaginations. Our children have more hobbies
and interests than we can keep up with. They are currently building a website, learning about coin collecting and paper airplanes,
recycling trash to make into art, taking apart appliances to learn about them and then putting them back together, sewing
a pillow, cooking, writing ( stories, songs, recipes, etc..), learning about history, and many more things.
We have included suggestions and links to information and activities to help you. Remember,
learning can be fun. The T.V. can be a great tool but too much of it will extinguish your childs natural creativity and desire
to learn. Have fun exploring with the following ideas!